Sunday, November 17, 2019

Essential tools for bread-cutting

On a table-top that's covered with an oak-leaf patterned tablecloth in colors of green, brown and gold: an electric bread knife, loaf of bread inside a cutting board that has slatted sides, and a pair of knit, grayish-silver gloves. Behind them are a couple of succulents in pots.

I love artisan bread, so it made sense to purchase kitchen-products that aid in bread consumption. (Sawing into hearty, robust loaves of bread took a lot of effort, but whenever the stores sliced it, they always threw in an extra plastic bag to wrap around the now-cut bread. And no, the stores wouldn’t accept bags brought in from home; believe me, I tried.) So, we set out to assemble what we needed to duplicate sliced-bread convenience but without the extra waste: the Cuisinart electric bread knife, CEK-30; the Bambusi Bread Slicer with built-in-cutting guide; and Dowellife Cut-Resistant Gloves. The items work great: the electric bread knife works effortlessly to saw through the bread, and cutting guides along the sides of the bread board help me line up my cuts. As for the gloves, I’m purposely trying to avoid cutting them in the first place, so I’m not able to relate how they work when cut with an electric knife. So far, one glove has sustained one cut (with a manual knife) and, while the knife-blade cut into the glove, the cut did not reach my skin.

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